Low Intensity Laser Therapy

What is low intensity laser therapy?

A pain free and non invasive therapeutic treatment used to treat skin conditions, chronic and acute musculoskeletal pain, and sport injuries. Low Intensity Laser Therapy is used for wound healing and post surgery to significantly reduce recovery time, pain, swelling and scar tissue formation.

Omega Therapeutic Lasers/RJ Lasers have more than 48 combined years of research, development and manufacturing experience in this field, underpinned by a sound working relationship with centres of clinical and research excellence. There is a large body of research to be found on the clinical effects of therapeutic lasers.

See www.omegalaser.co.uk or www.rj-laser.com for a selection of key research papers and publications.


How does low intensity laser therapy work?

Using light energy (photons) at power levels and wavelengths specific to your conditions, therapeutic laser light therapy goes through body tissue to stimulate cells directly. Low Intensity Laser Therapy aims to biomodulate. Because of its low power nature, the effects are biochemical and non thermal and cannot cause heating and damage to living tissue.

Effects of low intensity laser therapy

Four distinct photobiological effects are known to occur when using Low Intensity Laser Therapy.

  1. Healing growth factor response through: Increased ATP and protein synthesis. Improved fibroblast cell proliferation. Change in cell membrance permeability to calcium up-take.
  2. Pain Relief through: Increased endorphin release/serotonin. Suppression of nociceptor action.
  3. Immune sytem support through: Increased levels of lymphocyte activity. Photo modulation of blood.
  4. Anti-inflammatory effect have been proven in both clinical & laboratory research when used with the correct treatment parameters. Results are similar or even better than NSAID medications without unwanted side effects.